Setting Evaluation Email Solicitations

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Prior to sending solicitations to assigned reviewers for an application, you will need to set the Evaluation Email text. This can be customized according to your personal preferences for Membership Application Review.


Accessing Reviewer Invitation Email Text Settings

First, access your current Membership Forms (3)


Then, next to the form you would like to assign the Reviewer Solicitation Email text to, click Actions » Actions


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This will take you to the control panel for the Membership Form, which has several different options. To edit the Reviewer Solicitation text, click Edit Reviewer Invitation Email.


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Editing the Email Subject and Text

After accessing Edit Reviewer Invitation Email, you will be able to set the following fields for the solicitation:

  • Email Subject
  • Email Text

The email subject will be the exact text that the reviewer will receive in their email inbox. The email text will also appear the same as the text you provide in the Email Body field. We have provided magic fields to the left, so that you can personalize the email to the recipient.


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Receiving Emails

Emails will be sent directly from Research Logix and come from with the assigned Email Subject and the text that you provided in the step above. The email will be pre-formatted with the name of the applicant, and a direct link to the Evaluation Form for the reviewer's input.


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