When applications have been submitted using your CCSG Membership Form, the administrator(s) that you have assigned for the form will be notified. All submitted applications will be reviewable from the Membership page, under Pending Applications (1).
To review a specific application, click Actions (2) next to the application that you would like to review. You will see the applicant's name, email, application type, and the last action performed on the application.
Reviewing the Submitted Application - Administration
Prior to sending the application for evaluation, as an administrator, you will want to review the completeness of the application. You can do this by clicking Actions » View Application. This will take you to the Application's view. Where you can review:
- The Applicant's name and email
- Submitted application question answers
- Uploaded documents
- Application action history
If there are any missing items that need to be addressed, you can email the applicant and have them make any necessary adjustments. If everything is complete, and ready for review, you can assign your reviewers and begin the evaluation process.